Nicolai Gedda (ニコライ・ゲッダ)
Nicolai Gedda (ニコライ・ゲッダ)。スウェーデンの男性オペラ歌手。1925年7月11日生まれ。2017年1月8日没。

Nicolai Gedda live 1969, Una furtiva lagrima, Gaetano Donizetti

Nicolai Gedda - "Kuda, kuda vï udalilis" (Lenksy Aria, Eugene Onegin) - Tchaikovsky

Nicolai Gedda | HIGH NOTES

Nicolai Gedda sings "Nacht und Träume" by Schubert

Nicolai GEDDA - Je crois entendre encore (Moscow. 1980)

Nicolaï Gedda, tenor - Puccini - La bohéme - Che gelida manina (1962 - video)

Nicolai Gedda - Dein Ist Mein Ganzes Herz

Nicolai Gedda live 1963 in Una furtiva lagrima from L'elisir d'amore

Nicolai Gedda live 1969 in Amor ti vieta, Fedora

Nicolai Gedda explains to Roger Wågsjö how to cover the voice

Der Ritter des hohen D - a portrait of Nicolai Gedda (The Knight of the high D)

Nicolai Gedda "Down by the Salley gardens"

Nicolai Gedda - Pourquoi me reveiller (Werther)

Nicolai Gedda sings "Pourquoi me réveiller" (Salzburg, 1961.)

Young Nicolai Gedda's Ultra Forte D5s against dame Joan's Full Body D6s and his Studio F5