Dmitry Shishkin (ドミトリー・シシキン)
Dmitry Shishkin (ドミトリー・シシキン)。ロシアの男性ピアニスト。1992年2月12日生まれ。
2004年にロシアの若手音楽家のための第5回 International Nutcracker Television Competition(国際くるみ割り人形TCコンクール)で優勝して注目を集める。2013年ブゾーニ国際ピアノコンクール第3位。2015年第17回ワルシャワのショパン国際ピアノコンクールで6位入賞。2010年よりチャイコフスキー記念国立モスクワ音楽院でエリソ・ヴィルサラーゼに師事。

Dmitry Shishkin – Piano Concerto in E minor Op. 11 (final stage of the Chopin Competition 2015)

Dmitry Shishkin – F. Liszt “Mephisto Waltz, No. 1” S. 514 (Chopin and his Europe)

Dmitry Shishkin – Fantasy-impromptu in C sharp minor Op. 66 (third stage)

Dmitry Shishkin – Piano recital (Chopin and his Europe, 27.08.2016)

Shishkin Dmitry 1999 (Шишкин Дмитрий)

Piano Final 2018 - Dmitry Shishkin, 1st Prize ex aequo

R. Schedrin: "Concerto Lontano", Piano Concerto no. 6 Dmitry Shishkin , Mikhail Pletnev, RNO

Meet the finalists: Dmitry Shishkin, 26 years old, Russia

Dmitry Shishkin – Polonaise in A flat major Op. 53 (second stage)

Shishkin Dmitry (Шишкин Дмитрий) Эрмитаж-сольный концерт

Dmitry Shishkin – Chopin Piano Competition 2015 (preliminary round)

Dmitry Shishkin 1st price 2017 Top of the World International Piano Competition

Dmitry Shishkin ショパン 12の練習曲 作品10

Dmitry Shishkin – F. Chopin "Etude in C sharp minor, Op. 10 No. 4" (Chopin and his Europe) (encore)

Dmitry Shishkin at the 1st stage of the Rubinstein 2014 competition

Dmitry Shishkin – Etude in A minor Op. 10 No. 2 (first stage)

Dmitry Shishkin ベートーヴェン ピアノソナタ第21番「ワルトシュタイン」

Dmitry Shishkin – Nocturne in E flat major Op. 9 No. 2 (second stage)

Dmitry Shishkin – Impromptu in G flat major Op. 51 (third stage)

Dmitry Shishkin – D. Scarlatti "Sonata in D minor" K. 1 (Chopin and his Europe)

Dmitry Shishkin – Scherzo in B flat minor Op. 31 (second stage)

Brussels Chopin Days - Dmitry Shishkin plays F. Chopin: Impromptu, Op. 29 (live)

Dmitry Shishkin - Chopin Competition - Grand Finale

Dmitry Shishkin – F. Chopin "Waltz in F major, Op. 34 No. 3" (Chopin and his Europe) (encore)